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We are a husband and wife team providing comprehensive services to determine what is causing the symptoms and health challenges you are experiencing.  Using your extensive health history and functional lab testing in the areas of hormones, detoxification, digestion, food sensitivities, immune system support and brain chemistry assessments we work to identify the hidden stressors deep within your body.  Through motivated wellness coaching and the health pillars: Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Management and Supplementation, we will develop your customized health rebuilding protocol.  We will teach you how to support your body in the unique ways it calls for, how to apply these principles and achieve the performance, wellness and peace in your life that you desire.  Each member of our family has experienced unique health challenges including food sensitivities, hashimotos, gut imbalances, leaky gut, ADHD, heavy metals, candida overgrowth, sleep apnea, hormonal imbalance and arthritis.  When conventional medicine left us with more questions than answers, we turned to natural methods of healing and have never looked back.  After achieving balance internally, we felt our patience and stress response shift leaving our home  happier and healthier all around.  Through the process we have become experts at navigating the dynamics that individual healing requires while being a part of a tight knit family.  We work with men, women, children and families to guide them to their healthiest selves in order to achieve balance in all aspects of their life. Contact us to schedule your free qualifying call and take a big step forward to improve your health and wellbeing.

Welcome to Zizza Nutrition! We are Jason and Traci Zizza, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners.  Our mission is to guide you to the healthiest version of yourself by supporting your specific wellness goals. We work with you to reveal the hidden stressors in your body and lifestyle to create a personalized plan that will improve the way you feel every day.  Every system in the body is interrelated and therefore can not function properly if another area is out of balance.  Therefore we believe that building health in the whole person out performs specific treatment in any one area.  Our approach addresses every cell, tissue, organ and organ system simultaneously.  Working with us will drastically improve the way you eat, sleep, move your body and approach your daily activities.  A clearer mind, healthier body and happier life will be your end result.

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